Combine Candidate Insights and Eliminate Login Fatigue

Enable faster decision making and hiring by configuring multi directional integrations, consolidating data, insights and information across your recruiting tech stack.

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Enable AI Workflows
Inside Your ATS/HCM

Dynamically Rank & Sort pipelines inside ATS/HCM

Automatically rank and sort pipelines within ATS/HCM as candidates navigate, connect faster with top matching candidate and streamline hiring.

Source Top Matching talent from existing database

Instantly Identify and engage the best-matching candidates from your existing database, maximizing the value of your talent pool.

Sync Pre-screening Chats and Conversation Insights

Seamlessly sync pre-screening conversations, conversation insights, candidate-bot QnA, knockout responses,  and candidate support queries.

Auto book Interview schedules in ATS

This automation streamlines the scheduling process, reducing administrative tasks and minimizing scheduling conflicts.

Engage career website visitors using AI Assistants

Provide personalized guidance, answer queries, and recommend suitable job openings, ensuring a seamless and interactive candidate experience from the first visit.

Sync Automation Statuses

Keep automation statuses up-to-date, providing real-time visibility and control over the recruitment process.

Log AI Activities for every touchpoint

Record AI-driven activities at every touchpoint, ensuring transparency and enabling data-driven decision-making.

Calibrate AI while setting up Jobs

Tailor AI parameters to align with your specific hiring criteria, enhancing the accuracy and effectiveness of candidate selection. Ensures precise matching and optimized recruitment processes.

Run Chain of Workflows

Automate and streamline multiple sequential recruitment tasks. This ensures a cohesive and efficient hiring process, reducing manual effort and improving overall productivity.

Revolutionize Your Recruiting Stack with AI Capabilities

Key Partner Integrations

SAP SuccessFactors HCM is a global, AI-enabled suite offering comprehensive cloud HR solutions for core HR, payroll, talent management, analytics, and employee experience management.

See Details ➔

Lever is a comprehensive Talent Acquisition Suite offering ATS and CRM capabilities, enabling teams to scale hiring, build strong relationships, and make data-driven decisions while promoting inclusive hiring practices.

See Details ➔

Recruiterflow is a user-friendly Applicant Tracking and Recruiting CRM platform offering automation, drag-and-drop workflows, email and text messaging, API integrations, and real-time performance insights for recruiting firms.

See Details ➔

TalentNest, part of SMG, is a trusted talent acquisition platform offering a data-driven approach to building high-performance teams and demonstrating ROI through improved hiring speed and quality.

See Details ➔

Enhanced Visibility

A unified platform provides a comprehensive view of the recruitment process, allowing recruiters to track candidate progress, monitor key metrics, and make informed decisions.

This visibility ensures that no candidate falls through the cracks and that the recruitment process remains on track.

Improved Collaboration

Integrated data fosters better collaboration among team members. Recruiters, hiring managers, and other stakeholders can access the same information, communicate effectively, and coordinate their efforts more efficiently.

This collaborative approach leads to faster decision-making and a more cohesive recruitment strategy.

Better AI Implementation

Consolidated data empowers AI tools to perform tasks precisely.
AI algorithms can analyze comprehensive candidate profiles, including skills, experience, pre-screening conversations and behavioral assessment results, to match qualifications with job requirements and provide insightful recommendations.

This holistic analysis accelerates the decision-making process and ensures that the best candidates are identified quickly, reducing time-to-hire and improving the quality of hires.

"Senseloaf AI streamlined our recruitment with unified workflows and insights. It integrated pre-screening, resume matching, and assessment scores, improving screening reliability and saving our team time."

Sara Henderson
Vice President, Human Resources
Faster time To Interview
Recruiting hours saved
Candidate Rating
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strategy with AI ?

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